Saturday, May 12, 2012

NARN, the Shiny Object Edition!

The Northern Alliance Radio Network will be on the air today, with your hosts Mitch Berg and Ed Morrissey, on from 1-3 CT with live streaming video and chat. If you’re in the Twin Cities, you can hear us on AM 1280 The Patriot, or on the station’s Internet stream if you’re outside of the broadcast area, as well as right here on on the permanent Ed Morrissey Show page at Hot Air.

Today, Mitch and I will talk with two of our favorite restaurateurs, Tony and Heidi Panelli, whose Caribe Bistro went under after light-rail construction killed their business. They want to reopen in a new location — and you can help out. They have a video up at Kickstarter to raise the funds for the new location. All this, plus all of the week’s news in politics. Will Obama or Romney benefit more from Obama’s flip-flop on traditional marriage? Join us and find out!

Be sure to call 651-289-4488 to join the conversation, or text us at 651-243-0390! You can also register for free at Ustream to participate in our raucous live-chat sessions. (And if the log-in prompt doesn’t come up in the chat box below, use this link instead.)

Marizela Perez has been missing for a year.

Marizela’s case has a connection here at Hot Air, as she is the cousin of the Boss Emeritus, Michelle Malkin. Michelle is trying to spread the word through Facebook and Q13Fox/KCPQ in Seattle. We want to encourage prayers for Marizela’s family, and also try to reach anyone in the area who knows where Marizela might be and ask them to contact the police.

The search has its own website now, Find Marizela, for the latest in the efforts to bring Marizela home. There is also a fund for the family to keep the search efforts going. Be sure to check there and at Michelle’s site for further developments, and keep the family in your prayers.

America’s Most Wanted is now on the case, too.

Michelle had an update on the case on the one-year anniversary:

Exactly one year ago today, my 18-year-old cousin Marizela (known affectionately to her family and friends as “Emem” or “Mei”) Perez disappeared from the University of Washington campus in Seattle.

She is still missing.

Those words form on the computer screen with disembodied disbelief. But my heart is screaming:


The not-knowing is every parent’s worst nightmare. It brought normal life to a standstill for Marizela’s parents, Edgar and Jasmin. And yet, they have to keep living and working and praying for their only daughter. Because that is what they must do. Their strength and dignity through all the suffering has been an inspiration to me.

There have been no new developments in Emem’s case. No word from the police or the medical examiner’s office. No activity on her bank accounts or social media accounts.

And no response from the Google legal department to our request for help in January.

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